Who was J. Edgar Hoover?
J. Edgar Hoover was the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Hoover was born January 4, 1895 and died on May 2, 1972. He was the director of the FBI until he died 37 years later. It was rumoured that he was a homosexual, and that he had an intimate relationship with his associate director, Clyde Tolson.

When was the FBI established?
The FBI was established on March 22, 1935.
Where is the FBI?
The FBI is an American Police Agency. The FBI headquarters is in Washington DC, and there are many other offices in most major American cities (ex. Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc).
Why was the FBI established?
America didn’t have a national police force, so on March 16, 1906, Attorney General Bonaparte and President Theodore Roosevelt and created the BOI (Bureau of Investigation). The BOI consisted of 12 agents from the Secret Service. On June 25, 1910 the name was changed to the United States Bureau of Investigation. The next year, the name was changed to the Division of Investigation. Later in the same year, the name was finally changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI currently consists of 13,249 sworn members and 19,460 members for a total of 32,709 members.

What is the Organizational Structure of the FBI?
The FBI has many separate sections, each with other sub-sections. There is the Office of the Director, with the Office of Congressional Affairs, the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Finance Division, and the Security Division to name a few. Then there is the Human Resources Branch, with the Training Division, and the Human Resources Division. There is also the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, with the Criminal Investigative Division, the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination, and the Office of International Operations. There are also many other offices and sub-offices.
2016 AND we are told our nation is drowning in debt and drugs. 2016 and we have spent how much money funding the F.B.I.? DRUG CARTELS? Human trafficking? Competence
Competence, trust, and confidence ... I have ground zero trust, confidence nor do I see competence in those who run this operation from the TOP
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